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A Message from the Principle Investigator,
Abdullah and Saeed Binzagr Chair
for AIDS Research and Control
There are many good reasons for encouraging AIDS research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The epidemiology of the disease is least studied or updated in this country as compared to many other countries of the world. Governmental statistics sent to World Health Organization or other international organizations are grossly deficient. Stigma of infected persons is the norm. This is quite expected for a disease that is still viewed by many as a just punishment for a sinful lifestyle. While the extent of HIV/AIDS in certain groups, such as IV drug abusers is largely unstudied, infection among prisoners seems rampant. AIDS among expatriates, who constitute two thirds of HIV/AIDS affected individuals in the Kingdom is hardly addressed on the premise that this problem can be solved by prompt deportation of infected individuals once identified, while, in fact, the number of infected expatriates in the Kingdom keeps on increasing. While the government bears complete responsibility for providing up-to-date treatment to affected nationals, affected expatriates have no access to AIDS-specific treatment or care. No specific efforts are made to identify and treat infected mothers to reduce mother to child transmission or to make HIV therapy available for any infected expatriates who may be able to bear the cost of their own therapy. Social and legal issues related to AIDS are largely un-tackled. An attempt by the Saudi Human Rights society to define the rights of AIDS patients was aborted by health officials on the basis that is unnecessary or could be even discriminatory against the group it intends to protect. HIV testing largely requires revealing the examined person's identity. Voluntary counseling and testing is rarely practiced. Compulsory pre-marital testing is enforced. ame with compulsory testing of incoming expatriate workers. Knowledge and attitude of Saudis about AIDS has not been recently assessed.
These issues constitute the main areas of interest of the Abdulah and Saeed Binzagr Chair for AIDS Research and Control at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah.
Professor Ghazi A. Jamjoom,
Principle Investigator
Last Update
1/30/2010 8:15:54 AM