The obtained HIV/AIDS is considered one of the most dangerous in human history .As from its discovery in 1981 till 2007 about 86 millions of people are infected with it and about 30-36 millions of men ,women and borns whose mothers bear the virus were killed . Now,AIDS spreading in most countries of the world ,the number of the bearers persons of the virus which cause AIDS named (HIV) about 33 million person. WHO statistics indicates to what increases 95% of cases concentrated on the developing countries especially in Africa south the desert where the beginning of the disease and still the most injured countries ,south east Asia ,south America , east Europe and etc. the spreading of the disease includes Middle East and north Africa Countries included most of Arab countries where the bearers of the virus in this area in 2007 about 380 thousand person and 25 thousand were died .
After many years of having AIDS Virus will lead to destroying the body immunization that allow many diseases such as Tuberculosis, parasites and viruses to appear ,these diseases and some tumors such as Sarcoma Tumor will be the direct cause of patient death .
Virus AIDS is discovered in 1983 . that's help to develop labs tests to discover the virus in donor's blood consequently reduces the percentage of having the virus by Blood transfusion . now ,the main ways of infection is sexually transmission between a man and women or a man , another one , infectious intravenous narcotics needles and from infected mother to her baby .
Till now the vaccine of AIDS can't be developed but there are a lot of drugs which prevent the multiplication of the virus in the body where they may not kill it completely . the remedy required to use a mixture of two vaccine or three together ,the remedy period continues whole age .
Fighting AIDS concentrated on four steps ,they are as the following :-
1- prevention by avoiding bad dangerous sexual conduct and determining sexual relation in legal marriage .
2- avoid participating in infectious intravenous needles for narcotics addicts .
3- early discovery of disease through laboratory tests where encouraging all who have conducts push them to be infected including pregnants
4- remedy through effective medicines called HAART includes all infected persons whose immunization systems begin to decrease also, pergnants who has infection and their Borns .
social sides for AIDS patients
a lot of diseases spread in human societies may its roots and causes be socially . a lot of social factors such as poverty ,family' breakdown ,using drugs and bad sexual conduct have influences and roles in appearing this disease and getting infected with it consequently in prevention and avoiding its infection . in this context ,there are great and effective role for some social establishments in protecting individuals and members from getting infected with this disease . it may shows some protective procedures or social legislations restricting and controlling the extent of disease spreading .
if the previous concentration on genetics and natural sides in disease infection ,the studies and researches assure that that there are social and cultural factors which play an essential role in geeting infected with disease .hence the concentration directs to social and cultural factors as reasons for getting infected with this disease .